Frequently Asked Questions |
The following questions should help to answer some of your questions regarding Zumu Software. If you have a question that's not answered here, email or call 732-291-2401, and we'll answer question, and post it on this page.
What is Zumu?
Zumu is a web based software platform that makes it very easy for a person or group of people to create and keep updated a professional looking website with no technical knowledge needed.
Can I update my site at home?
You can access Zumu anywhere you have an internet connection. Home, work, school, library, it doesn't matter. As long as you can get to the web using a web browser (it doesn't matter which one) you can update your site.
Can Zumu's websites run on our servers?
No, we are not currently offering this option. Our websites are hosted on world class servers at a secure and professionally staffed hosting site.
How secure is a Zumu site?
Zumu sites are very secure. No one can access a site without a user login and password. Most users with a login and password, have very limited access to the site. Administrative users have control over most of the site, and can access all sections of the site. If there is any problem with a site, access to the site can be halted immediately. The problem can then be resolved and access restored.
How long will it take to train our staff?
Training can take as little as five minutes. As long as teachers are comfortable getting to the web, they can start posting information almost immediately.
Do we have to pay for training?
Initial training for up to twenty administrative users is included. After the initial training, we can train others for an hourly rate, or you can train your own users. It's up to you. On-line training manuals are available for all users. These can be printed out for personal use or for in-house training.
How do I get help?
Call us at 732-291-2401 or email us at We can help with almost any problem you have. There's nothing you can do, that we can't fix.
How much does Zumu cost?
Zumu charges a yearly fee. For an exact price, please call 732-291-2401 for a quote. There is no charge for setup or modification of the site.
We have a site, why should we use Zumu?
How often is your site updated? Zumu sites are updated everyday! You can have a site that looks like your current site, but it will be much easier to update, and more people will be able to update it. No more waiting for your announcements to be posted. Teachers can have sites within the school site. All school information can be found in one place.
What does "zumu" mean?
Our name "zumu" doesn't mean anything. We were looking for a short name that was easy to remember, and a name that we could get the web address for and came up with and Zumu Software. We hope you come to think of Zumu Software as the best website software you could ever want.