Setup and Go

Complete, easy-to-use website content management system that is ready-to-use from day one! Implementation of a Zumu website can be setup as quickly as you need. Using our advanced setup features, we can create a complete, robust website very quickly. 

Installation Timetable

When setting up a site, this is what usually happens:

  1. We work with you to determine a look for your new site. The new site can look like your current site, or it can be an entirely new look.
  2. All the information from your current site is moved to the new site. Any new information is gathered and posted to the new site.
  3. Users and groups are setup and site access permissions are created.
  4. Training of the administrative users is completed.
  5. New website goes live!

We don't have a set timeline for implementation of a site. Because each site is different, we tailor the
steps to match each organizations schedule and needs. Some sites can be up and running in a week,
others may take more time; we work with you until you are completely satisfied. 

FREE Content Migration

  • All content moved from the old site (up to 100 pages).
  • Additional content can be included (must be in electronic format). 

FREE Product Updates

  • As new features are developed, they are incorporated into all websites.
  • Features are added often based on requests and new ideas from clients.

FREE Daily Backups

  • Accidental data loss is a thing of the past.
  • Staff  and administrators can archive individual sections or the entire site as often as needed. 
